What is Policy Billing Inquiry?
Our online Policy Billing Inquiry system is an internet accessible, fast, easy, up-to-date and user-friendly way to access policy billing information.
What does it do/how do I use it?
The Policy Billing Inquiry system provides basic billing information. To use it, type in your full policy number exactly as it appears on the bill and location zip code.
Are you logging the information I enter?
We log all entries/requests for information through this system for our own internal use in accordance with our privacy policy and legal statement (see our Privacy Policy for more details on how your information is kept safe). We do this to better evaluate future on-line needs.
What is being logged?
Our log is anonymous and contains no information on you outside of what you type into the billing inquiry form, whether or not your billing inquiry was successful and the date/time of your inquiry.
If I have a website related question or problem how should I contact you?
Please use our Contact Form.
If I want to ask a question related to a particular policy or claim, or make changes to an existing policy, who should I contact?
You should contact your insurance agent with any policy or claims related inquiries or requests. If you don’t know the address or phone number of your agent, you can find it using our Agent Locator.
If I have a billing related question how should I contact you?
Please feel free to call our billing information number at (518) 966-4491.
What software do I need to use it?
A version 5.0 (or higher) compliant browser that supports frames. We designed the page for use primarily with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape. The page uses some basic JavaScript functions – so we recommend that you have JavaScript enabled on your browser.